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23 Low-Cost Kitchen Organizations and Hacks

Updated: Nov 26, 2024

Back in ancient times, people cooked on open fires that were built outside on the ground. Then it improves, simple masonry constructions were used to hold the wood and food.

Shifted to Middle Ages, the food was often placed on metal cauldrons that were hanging above the fire.

The housing rise and manufacturing advancements of post-World War II made a huge change on the modern kitchen. There was a trend demand for kitchen technology and equipment that inspired homeowners remove the walls that once hid their utilitarian kitchens.

The kitchen was becoming quieter, cleaner, better organized and easier to work in, a source of pride, and slowly a place worthy of entertaining guests.

Today, I want to share with you some ways to organize kitchen into a neat place yet still consider budget strained. Check out some of the ideas below!

The Clips of Pants Hanger
The Clips of Pants Hanger

1. Get your pants hanger right now to organize your chips

Try to make your kitchen more organized with this trick! Chip bags should not be annoyingly hard to handle. A loose flop around chip bags may increase the chance of falling over chips. The clips on the pants hanger can hang them up and make your kitchen tidier, and also make the chips fresh.

Stewed Can for Saving Money
Stewed Can for Saving Money

2. Secret Can for Cash Stash

Make a secret emergency cash stash with pre-loved stewed cans that you are capable of using after (of course) you wash them clean. It's a perfect hiding spot in the back of your pantry any rainy day you need to save more money for fast cash out.

Kitchen's Turntables for good organization
Kitchen's Turntables

3. Turntables make the Kitchen's Stuffs Accessible

Creating a more convenient space to make spices and sauces easily accessible is the sole purpose of turntables. Use it to make dead space more flexible. Grab the right bottle from your collection and do some fast cooking with this tool.

Drawer Divider for Kitchen's Utensils
Divider for Utensils

4. Kitchen Drawer Divider is a Game Changer!

This utensil organizer will direct your hand, and it will help you quickly find what you want at a glance. Say no more to items being piled on top of each other and sliding around in drawers.

Mason Jars Organization for Utensils Kitchen
Mason Jars Organization

5. Mason Jar to make the Drawer Neat

Take a moment of inspect your kitchen's drawers. Put some mason jars inside it and make an orderly line. Now make them hold the handles of your utensils. That will help keep everything separate and neatly organized.

Over Sink Elevated Drying Rack
Over Sink Drying Rack

6. Save every space with Elevated Drying Rack

You may use this to free up some space in your kitchen. An elevated drying rack over your sink will be a good choice to help with your everyday chores. Functional and effective. Like killing two birds with one stone.

Hanging Parchment and Foil
Hanging Parchment and Foil

7. Hang up the Parchment and Foil Paper for Easy Access

An idea to get easy access for parchment and foil paper is to hang the box near the designated area that you want it close to. Threading a small dowel through each box and dropping it into the hook is the way you can use the hack again and again without having to worry about the hooks breaking off on you.

Egg Crates for Kitchen's Condiments
Egg Crates for Kitchen's Condiments

8. Egg Crates to hold Condiments

Check out this trick to make use of egg crates as a tool to hold condiments upside down. Repurposing the bottom half of an empty egg carton because it's narrow enough to fit on most refrigerator shelves. It will also help to effectively use gravity to get inside the condiments until the last drop.

Baskets in the Cabinet
Baskets in the Cabinet

9. Baskets to create Organized Cabinet

Ever wonder to make a neat kitchen cabinet that will not also make you easy to get kitchen stuff but also will impress anyone that will stumble on your kitchen cabinet? Create this orderly box with notes in every basket and never get confused again with your condiments and spices.

Recycling Zone in the Kitchen Cabinet
Recycling Zone in the Cabinet

10. Dedicated Recycling Zone

Bring out the good side of you by creating this special recycling zone. You tend to recycle more if the conditions are just right and easily accessible. Stow these containers inside your cabinet near your clean-up zone in the kitchen. Now everything will be neatly classified, as plastic, paper, and bottles are perfectly organized in their places.

Mini Bar Set up in the kitchen
Mini Bar Set-up

11. Super Special Mini Bar

A mini bar with a simple corner cabinet is ready to serve your day with a wonderful wine fridge and a lower cabinet added with drawers for storage, plus open shelving on the wall to nest glassware and a tray ready to serve your favorite drinks on the countertop for handy access. Designed by one and only Velinda Hellen for Emily Henderson Design.

Serving Platter Easy Access Zone
Serving Platter Easy Access Zone

12. Serving Platter Concentration Zone

I always get in a messy kitchen when I'm not ready to find a serving platter. Sometimes the kitchen stuff is scattered everywhere. This idea of packing serving stuff in one area cabinet is so wonderful. Now I will not get lost in search again when serving my loved ones.

Condiment Sachet's Collecting Bowl
Condiment Sachet's Collecting Bowl

13. Get your Condiment Sachets in One Spot

Get too many sachets of condiment packets from your takeout? Put all those inside a sponge holder. This is the solution to getting it organized when sometimes all those small packets get scattered across the kitchen. Hang the sponge holder inside your fridge or cabinet.

Integrated LED Lighting Cabinet
Integrated LED Lighting Cabinet

14. Built in Cabinet Backlighting

Check out this idea to install LED backlighting in a cabinet. This set-up can also function as a station for making drinks or serving appetizers or snacks. The calm and soft ambient light creates a focal point for the wall of cabinetry in the open kitchen when lit up.

The Backsplash Rack
The Backsplash Rack

15. Beautiful Backsplash Rack

A cool display of your personal cooking equipment for everyday use and inspiration. The backsplash rack will offer you easy access and a stylish display of kitchen storage.

Special Zone for Kids in the Kitchen
Special Zone for Kids in the Kitchen

16. Kids Zone

Teach your kids the way of organizing kitchenware and see the progress they made in their life with a special zone to get their own plates, cups, bowls and reusable water bottles. Now they will learn how to be neat and tidy!

Kitchen Island Baskets
Kitchen Island Baskets

17. Get Baskets in your Kitchen Island

Only put essential things inside your kitchen island cabinet by using wire baskets to make them tidy but easily accessible. Decluttered any amusements and toss them to make room for your main needs.

Wine Bracket under Kitchen Shelf
Wine Bracket under Kitchen Shelf

18. Install the Upside-Down Bracket for Wine Glasses

Create this setup and save your wine glasses from scratch. They should stand alone rather than be stacked. Make extra storage under a shelf and install an upside-down bracket to keep the inside cleaner.

Organized Spices inside cabinet drawer
Organized Spices

19. Spices in One Stop

Take all your spices in a drawer in an organized and neat order. Having a drawer to pack all the spices is preferable to putting them in a cabinet or pantry. The height gives ergonomic advantages.

Peg Board on the Wall
Peg Board on the Wall

20. Get a Beautiful Peg Board

The idea of making your kitchen attractive is a good thing to do to improve your everyday mood. Try to install this peg board on your wall instead of stacking pots and pans on top of each other in a chaotic manner. Adding some hooks and shelves for other kitchen and pantry essentials would be perfect.

Built in Chalkboard on Cabinet
Built in Chalkboard on Cabinet

21. Chalkboard in The Kitchen

Keep your stocks up to date with a chalkboard in your kitchen's cabinet. You may also leave a note for anything important to your loved ones by using the installed chalkboard. Something that will come in handy, especially if you are in a hurry.

Hanging Shoe Organizer
Hanging Plastic Organizer

22. Shoe Organizer on the Rescue

Have you come to the realization that all the water bottles that you buy are becoming piles of things that need storage solutions? It is a problem that maybe everyone may encounter once in their life. Now get them all in order and free some spaces for other items. Try slotting them into a hanging organizer.

Magnets for Cabinet Spices
Magnets for Cabinet

23. Magnets Bellow the Cabinet

Another aesthetic trait to liven up your kitchen! You can use a magnet under your cabinet to store up some spices and free up your drawer or shelf. Make sure the magnet is strong enough to hang your favorite food spices. Source

Household helper Items on Basket
Household helper Items on Basket

24. One-Stop Household Helper Items

Use the back of your pantry door to install this cleaning set rack. It will come in handy to make more space for one-stop household helper items where you can get access to cleaning sprays, lint rollers, and air fresheners.

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